Our people are invaluable assets to the organization, as they bring their skills, knowledge, and unique perspectives to the table. Without the dedication and hard work of our employees, we would not be able to achieve our goals or deliver high-quality services to our customers. Our people are the backbone of our organization, and we strive to provide them with a supportive and empowering work environment that enables them to thrive and reach their full potential. By investing in our people, we are investing in the future success of the organization and creating a culture of excellence that drives innovation, collaboration, and growth.

The process how we select the best people for the job is based on 3 stages:

Requirements -> Interview -> Hire


Step 1. Requirements Clarification.

During the initial phase we have Questions – Answers sessions with the potential Clients to get to know all aspects of the future collaboration, namely:

  • languages set
  • spoken/written language requirements
  • time zone covered
  • working hours and schedule
  • technical skills requirements
  • team size
  • project start date and expected duration
  • and any other requirements

This can be easily done via the initial video call.


Step 2. Candidate selection.

At this step we provide CVs and brief introduction of the candidates who could be a fit. Depending on the requirements, we may either provide the candidates immediately or ask 1-2 weeks to put a team together.

A Client interviews the candidates (via phone or video calls) and selects the ones who he/she feels is the best fit. In addition, the Clients may provide written test tasks to check writing skills. 


Step 3. Trainings. 

As soon as the candidates are approved, the Client trains new personnel on their policies and business processes. Once the trainings are completed, the actual work on assignments starts.


Have any questions? Read more about our pricing:

Pricing for Customer Service team